Made Less Logical by Original Sin

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Transcoastal Aesthetics

There is West Coast beauty, in the crisp red glow off the hills and the intense depths of the blue sky, the kind of beauty that you breathe in with a deep, quick inhalation.

East Coast beauty is something different- not as shocking, not as riveting, perhaps. A sigh, rather than a gasp. The beauty of the brown trees, covered in ice and snow, amidst fields glittering with an inch of white ice, is the sort to make you breath a little slower, and let it soak in rather than be drawn in as quickly as possible. It has to be looked for- and on first glance, it might seem ordinary or even dull. It is there, though, waiting to be enjoyed. Praise God.

Sunday, December 09, 2007


It's the day before "the best final all four years"* and I hope I don't waste the opportunity to eloquize on the Trinity. I have a feeling this won't be the kind of final on which to be excessively concise.

I'm going for multi-sensory studying: I read most of the relevant parts of the Summa again (in Latina et alias partes etiam in Anglais), wrote out the major arguments, read them aloud into my computer, and loaded the file onto my mp3 player.

On a completely different note, our class sports one more visible chin. Chins are good.

*Mr. Nieto, end of last class, paraphrase