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Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Y'might oughtta try....

There are two Texans on the Southern walk, including the guy who has been my night shift walking partner all this week, and they are teaching me their dialect. They've agreed that if I get it by the time we reach their homes near Dallas, they'll let me be an honorary Texan. This makes me the only person I know of with a doctor of philosophy for a abberration-of-the-English-language teacher.

All y'all think the same?

Sunday, June 10, 2007


I just spoke before a large group of Hispanics, three times, in Spanish.
I don't speak Spanish.

Welcome to Crossroads, where you may kiss your comfort zone good-bye.

I've been living with 5 other people in an RV, walking at night, going to Mass and driving around in the morning, and sleeping in the afternoon before dinner. We have walked to Globe, Arizona, but we spent this weekend in El Paso, Texas, at a very nice host family's house. Yesterday we had a crazy :) birthday party for the youngest of the walkers... we all ended up covered in a thick coat of shaving cream.

In the words of my Filipino penpal...

'till again,